How (Not) to use AI Blogging Tools

How (Not) to use AI Blogging Tools

We used Quilly on a new site and increased our organic impressions 10-fold.

Large language models are disrupting traditional website content creation workflows. When deployed properly, AI blogging tools can dramatically increase your site's organic impressions and your brand's reach. However, with the dramatic improvements in efficiency and reach come risks for hurting your brand's authority as a reliable source of information. Knowing when and how to deploy AI writing tools on your website will help you take advantage of the benefits without exposing your business to the risks of poorly crafted AI content. The following are a few quick lessons we've learned over the past year and a half while building out our own AI blogging tool Quilly, which writes and publishes quality content to Webflow sites automatically.

(And yes, I wrote this article without AI. What a time to be alive!)

AI doesn't replace your content marketing efforts.

AI tools are an extension of your existing efforts, not a replacement.

Attempting to replace all of your existing content marketing efforts, such as a human-written blog, is a recipe for hurting your content's reputation. Instead, think of how you can use AI tools to amplify your expertise. For example, if you run a DevOps consulting business, you can create value by launching an auto-blog to write about cloud computing features on a recurring basis. AI is good at instructing how to use features of established software or platforms (AWS for example), so developers/users who are searching for information on specific features will come across your blog, and as a byproduct, associate your brand with expertise within this space.

It goes without saying that if you are publishing content on a subject, your business should have expertise within that subject matter.

Information aggregation is (typically) a good use case.

AI is good at compiling information into concise summaries or tutorials.

Using AI blogging tools to compile information into concise summaries is typically a good way to bring value to your audience. Our best performing blogs and pages were tutorials on coding features (in our case Swift Programming Language features), and it was a win because we didn't want to take the time to write and post a tutorial every day. That being said, while you could use AI to aggregate information on a specific event (WWDC for example), it's usually better to write that in your own words, because your perspective is what makes it unique to your audience in that case.

Separate your AI blog from your main blog.

There's no need to inject recurring AI content into your business's home page or blog.

Don't feel the need to publish your automated content to your business's main blog (for example your product roadmap blog). You can instead separate out the automated content into its own page, and have it write within a focused scope. Taking it a step further, you can even keep the automated content unlisted on your main page so as not to distract from your core value proposition. In this way, the auto-blog could behave somewhat like a programmatic SEO campaign.

Don't overdo it.

You run the risk of overwhelming your audience.

AI writing tools can create a flood of cohesive and well thought out content when used properly, and it can be tempting to think that more content is better. Flooding your audience with content will overwhelm and also devalue the information you are trying to convey. Think instead about how you can publish more impactful information less frequently.

Quality is King.

Low quality content is always a loss, no matter how much of it you publish.

As a general rule, if you can't craft quality content automatically, you shouldn't be publishing it automatically. You need to choose a tool that will thoughtfully craft content, and you'll also want to proofread and make edits to ensure the information is what you want to convey and your voice is correctly captured. Our app Quilly is designed to be very customizable so that you can build cohesive content that matches your intended voice.

AI breaks language barriers.

AI tools can be a great way to reach global audiences.

Creating a multilingual blog can grow business's reach globally. In fact, not only can it grow your business, it allows you to evaluate new markets and see where your products or expertise will have good product-market fit. In this way, it can be a research tool to evaluate a product expansion road map. Quilly supports automatically generating content in 30+ languages, so you can launch a multilingual blog in about 1 minute (without even knowing the language yourself).

These are a few of many takeaways that we've learned over the past year and a half while building out our own AI blogging tool, Quilly, which writes and publishes cohesive content to your Webflow sites automatically. As we continue to evolve our platform, we'll share our learnings here. I hope you got some useful insights into how to approach automated content generation for your own use case. If you are curious of how to get started in the space, feel free to send me a message.

Stephen is the founder and lead developer at Spaceboat Development, LLC, and is focused on building novel tools to help businesses harness the power of AI.